Once upon Match.com, at the end of the pandemic in November 2021, Justin took a chance… and signed up for a dating website. There, he made the most romantic of all gestures, and liked Andrea. Three weeks later, Andrea liked him back.
A deep conversation ensued (yes, really) when Justin asked about Andrea’s Grandma Maria, who was pictured on Andrea’s profile. They decided to meet up at a popular bar in Santa Monica on December 9th, and while it was called “The Misfit,” they ended up being the perfect fit.
On April 1st, Andrea accidentally let the first “I love you” slip, which Justin assumed was an April Fool’s prank (but with those captivating eyes and McCracken charm… anything was possible). To lock it in, Justin intentionally declared his love for Andrea days later. Their love continued to deepen, and by March 2024, they designed the engagement ring together with Grandma Maria’s diamond at the center.
Justin surprised Andrea with a playful proposal and the most beautiful gift on the morning of her birthday, June 20th. They celebrated their engagement with a wedding shower on December 8th, one day shy of their three year 1st date anniversary. Three years and three months after their first date, Justin and Andrea will be married Sunday, March 9th, 2025. These soon-to-be newlyweds look forward to celebrating with you, bringing their family & friends together, and living with aloha ever after.